COIL in a nutshell
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a teaching and
learning method to internationalise the curriculum through
inter-institutional cooperation. It is
a form of collaboration of two or more academics from different universities
located in different countries, co-developing and co-facilitating online
collaborative learning possibilities for their students. One of the key aspects is to bring the students to learn and work together online in an intercultural setting.
COIL format can take many shapes and forms
The co-teaching and learning can occur throughout the entire course or only for a part of it.
Each teacher grades their student's work. No credit transfer is needed. The course is in each university’s curriculum.
Typically, a COIL model is applied to an individual course within a larger degree programme
COIL is a format of Internationalisation at Home
Shared teaching
One of the advantages of COIL is the possibility of sharing the teaching load and providing complementary teaching expertise in a teaching collaboration.

Learn more about COIL
Finding a partner for your COIL
The very first step for your COIL is to find a suitable co-teacher