COIL initiatives:
KTH SELECT Master programme COIL
Collaborative Course initiation process: KTH (SELECT Joint program)
- Teacher decides on the course topic.
- Academic contacts in each university nominates teachers for the topic from each university (if this is happening in an already established partnership/consortium etc).
- Primary teacher (KTH) comes up with learning outcomes and course content of the course and sends it to the counter parts.
- A meeting is set among the parties to discuss the course.
- Consensus is reached on who does which part in the course.
- Blended learning is arranged at both sites (Both local universities employ a multimedia room where they collect all the local students at the scheduled activity and connect to other other site via big screens , mics etc. Most of the time a local teacher/assistant is also with the students. Teacher for the specific activity is at either of the local universities with the local students.
- Both universities launch the process of course initiation/implementation at each local university. At KTH by 15. September every year (for the upcoming academic year starting from the August the following year) teachers have to send in the forms for new course initiations to the Director of study of the School. There is 5 weeks of processing time (discussions and adjustments of ILOs, examination methods, course classification depending on subject area and the level(master or bachelor )of the course, pre-requisites for the given course). After the approval of the new course by the Director of studies of the School, the course is initiated in the system and is linked to the course offerings by KTH at for students to apply. If any such course is not to be offered to all the students (eligible), limitations are also stated on the course info for the applying students to see. Otherwise one can also opt not to publish such courses on
- Students are registered at each local partner.
- Schedule is fixed at both universities (normally these courses belong to joint programs and scheduling departments make sure no overlaps with other courses belonging to the same program, if this is about free standing courses, no such consideration is given).
- Examination by the group of teachers from the participating universities, course responsible do the compilation of points for different sections of the exam and issues the final grade for both university students.
- Each university then in turn registers the grades in their respective systems.
- Examinations are usually done at the same time and the date for both universities.
If you would like to find out more about the initiative, contact: or