Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Joint Programmes


Unite! Multilingualism and Multiculturalism Policy


  • Unite! is committed to valuing and promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism in order to foster global competence among its students and staff, in line with the aims and values of the EU and the Alliance’s mission statement.
  • English is the common language in Unite!. At the same time, functional multilingualism is encouraged in order to leverage the linguistic richness offered by the Alliance, maximise outreach and facilitate inclusivity.
  • Unite! promotes global competence education to acknowledge and benefit from existing cultural diversity and to provide industry and society with graduates equipped with the competences needed to contribute to solving global challenges.
  • To achieve its objectives, Unite! will strive to integrate multilingualism, multiculturalism and global competence education into its educational provision, research activities and daily activities, and will monitor and evaluate its efforts.
  • This is a shared endeavour, requiring the active participation of students, faculty, staff and management. This handbook is designed to guide you in implementing the policy and contributing effectively to the success of our shared project! 

Read more about the Unite! M&M Policy  

Guide to implementation of the Unite! Policy on Multilingualism and Multiculturalism