Course and Grade Transfer 

The purpose of this chapter is to specify all aspects that must be considered to ensure the transfer of credits and the allocation of grades within the joint programme.

The document is organised into three phases: during the design of the Joint Programme, during the execution of course and grade transfer, and after the transfer process.

For any differences between the requirements determined by each participating university, refer to the Joint Programme Design Filtering Tool (marked with * in the list below).


Design phase

During the initial design phase of the Joint Programme, the partner universities must reach a consensus on the following aspects:

A. Design Requirements for the Curriculum and Different Itineraries (if applicable):

  1. In consideration of legal requirements at the state level in each country, hosting the participating universities or those established within the respective university*, the following elements should be agreed upon:
    1. Total credits for the Joint Programme.
    2. Credits within the primary field of study and credits from other study areas, if applicable.
    3. Credits by type: mandatory, elective, academic internships (specify if mandatory or elective), and the degree project credits.
    4. Minimum number of Credits to be completed at each university for the student to be awarded the degree and recognized in that country.
  2. Offer of elective courses at Each Participating University: Determine whether the offer will remain constant throughout the joint programme's implementation or if it may vary from one academic year to another. In the latter case, the universities should establish a plan to disseminate each course's elective offer not only to the students taking the courses but also to allow participating universities to update their curriculum management systems accordingly. To achieve this, the master's Academic Commission/Programme Committee or other relevant body should approve the specific offer for the following academic year well in advance, considering the planning calendars of the participating universities.
  3. Academic Internships*: If students are required to complete academic internships for credit, ensure the existence of agreements with companies in the relevant field in universities where such internships are possible. Additionally, agree on the legal mechanisms required for internships, based on the state legislation of each university and the student's status during the internship.
  4. Master Thesis/Final Project: Agree on the following aspects:
    1. Type of Master Thesis*: Academic and/or professional and at which university or universities it will be conducted and/or defended.
    2. Project Supervision*: It is proposed that joint supervision be agreed upon in all cases, involving faculty members from the participating universities and, specifically, those from the itinerary pursued by the student, if applicable. Mechanisms for supervision should be established to facilitate coordination among the different parties involved (student, project advisor, and administrative staff managing enrolment and registration).
    3. Defence of the Master Thesis: A mixed committee is proposed, including faculty members from the different participating universities and, specifically, from the student's pursued itinerary, if applicable. The format of the lecture, including whether it will be in-person/remote for both the student and committee members and whether it will be a public/private event, should be agreed upon.
    4. Confidentiality of the Master Thesis*: check whether aspects of confidentiality may be included in the degree project report. If confidentiality is possible and associated with a project developed with a company, mechanisms should be established to guarantee the confidentiality of committee members, project supervisors, the student, and the publication of the degree project.
    5. Publication of the Master Thesis*: Agree on which participating universities will publish the final projects defended by students and the criteria for such publication. If multiple universities decide to publish, mechanisms for sharing associated documentation should be established to manage publication.
  5. Participating universities must agree on the transfer of credits for language courses, cultural or sports activities. If applicable, specify the type of these activities, the related credit value, grading, and how they will be transferred into the different grading systems of the participating universities.

B. Course and Grade Transfer

  1. The Joint Programme agreement should describe whether a single joint diploma will be issued. In this case, designate the participating university responsible for issuing the diploma, along with the corresponding European Diploma Supplement.
  2. The joint programme agreement should include a table of grade equivalence, with special attention to grades from academic internships, if applicable, and the master’s thesis. Regarding the master’s thesis, consider whether there is a special mention for projects evaluated with distinction and how it can be distinguished in each participating university's grading systems, if feasible.
  3. Participating universities should define a common schedule for transferring grades obtained by students, considering the academic and evaluation calendars of each university. It is advised to have a common platform to share degree transcripts, especially for universities that require a complete record of students participating in Joint Programmes. Establish whether an original certificate of grades is required or not.
  4. Participating universities must agree on the procedures to be applied when a student does not pass one or several courses at one of the participating universities, as well as aspects related to continuation in the Joint Programme. Decide whether the student should remain at the university and retake the course until it is passed, whether there is a maximum number of attempts, and whether it is an elective subject and can be replaced by another offered by another university.
  5. Universities should disseminate information about credit transfer systems, grade equivalence, continuation aspects in the joint programme, and the schedule for executing these processes to enhance transparency for students and potential future applicants. 


Execution phase

    1. Each academic year, agree upon and publish the evaluation process schedule for executing course and              grade transfers. This internal schedule should be available to academic and administrative staff.                          Additionally, agree upon and publish a common schedule for students related to grade publication and the        dates when courses will be transferred to the universities.

    2. Ensure the existence of a platform for generating grade certificates, with equivalence tables, to securely and     reliably share information among the involved universities, particularly for universities that require a                     complete copy of the students' records participating in the joint programme. Avoid procedures that require        specific actions from the students for course transfer to be executed. Instead, ensure that transfers occur          automatically between universities following the approved schedule.

After the Execution phase

  1. Ensure that students have access to the grades obtained and their equivalence.
  2. The Joint Academic Commission/Programme Committee of the joint programme must have access to the evaluation results for each academic period, allowing for an analysis of performance and resolution of specific situations for students who have not successfully completed one or several courses.