Give us your feedback!
This chapter provides information on
the local grades of the Unite! universities as well as a list of topics to be
considered for joint programmes.
Universities have different examination and assessment procedures as well as different approaches to grading in place. Some universities use different grading scales for courses and theses. For specific information, refer to the Joint Programme Design Filtering Tool
For JPs it is essential to discuss the different procedures/approaches and develop a joint policy on how to deal with the differences.
Topics to be considered:
- Types of examinations: oral, written, presentations, portfolios, project work, etc.
- What is being graded: single courses, modules, master thesis, final exams, etc.
- Co-supervision of master thesis
- Local approaches to assessment/grading
- -Failure /what constitutes a failure? / possibility to re-sit exams
- Conversion table for grades (ECTS Users’ Guide, EGRACONS tool)
- Transfer of credits
- Recognition of courses
- Joint standards
- Evaluation practices
- Gpa issues
- Grades for project work: is the same grade given to all members in the team, or are the team members given a grade according to their contribution to the work?
Local grades/grading scale for courses/exams (to be updated)