Your path to a successful Blended Intensive Programme
Timeline before the Blended Intensive Programme:
Get in touch with your local BIP contact
to lay out your idea and inform them about your plans. It is crucial that local BIP contacts know about the programme as soon as possible in order for you to receive funding for the project. You can find a list of all contacts from each university here.
Find at least two Unite! partners
you want to collaborate with.
Agree on a topic of choice
Make sure you do not only copy existing course
contents – BIPs needs to have added value for the students according to the
Erasmus+ guidelines. Decide together with your partners on the content, who
provides the teaching, what formats will be used and how long the physical and
virtual component should be. Please also keep in mind different academic calendars.
More information on how to design a BIP can be found here.
Define the roles within the BIP
Every BIP needs one coordinating institution, one receiving institution and sending institutions. Find more about the tasks of each role here.
Institutional Approval
Depending on the institution, it may be necessary to obtain the approval of the relevant authorities at university level. For the hosting institution of the BIP, the course may need to be officially approved in order to award the necessary 3 ECTS.
Reach out to your local BIP contact
The coordinating institution needs to submit their BIP proposal in time to the local unit responsible for BIPs. Keep in mind deadlines!
Sending institutions need to inform their local BIP contact about upcoming mobilities and its funding.
Agreement Check
Clarify together with your local BIP contact if Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements (IIAs) with all intended partners exist. Without valid agreements mobilities cannot take place.
Craft the syllabus
Ensure that the syllabus is ready well in advance
Consortium decisions on further administrative processes
All consortium partners need to decide how participants at each institution will be selected (centralized/decentralized selection and criteria) and if there is a nomination procedure in place at the hosting institution that all partners are required to follow.
An online meeting with all consortium partners (academic and administrative staff) is recommended.
Release of Offering
Once all consortium decisions have been made, it is time to release the offering. Find out more here.
Review nominations/applications
Keep in mind the minimum number of participants for a BIP. It is highly recommended to also create a waiting list in case selected participants cancel after the acceptance.
Sending out acceptance letters
Selected participants should receive an acceptance letter by the hosting institution so that students can officially apply for an Erasmus+ grant at their home university.
Ensure the BIP is ready to go!
Double check if the BIP has been entered into the Beneficiary Module and all necessary documents (IIAs and Learning Agreements) have been signed. Overview of the responsibilities of the receiving institution can be found here.
Timeline after the Blended Intensive Programme:
Issue the Confirmation of Attendance to Students
The document should indicate the length of the physical and virtual component separately.
Award at least 3 ECTS
The minimum requirement for a BIP is the award of 3 ECTS to participating students.
Issue the Transcript of Records to Students
Erasmus+ guidelines require a Transcript of Records that confirms that 3 ECTS have been awarded to the student.
Ensure all participants have been registered in the Beneficiary Module
After the BIP, ensure that all participants have been registered in the Beneficiary Module by their home university. The hosting university does not register its own participating students since they do not count towards the minimum number of participants.