Virtual Exchanges
Unite! VECP (virtual exchange credit programme)
This is Unite! Virtual Exchange
Unite! VECP (virtual exchange credit prorgamme), is one of the first and longest running collaborative projects of the Unite! alliance. Thanks to the long experience with running VECPs, there are established processes between universities and community members on how the VECP is conducted in our alliance.
These virtual courses are based on a Framework Agreement for Unite! Flexible Education Offerings and the Multilateral Agreement for Unite! Virtual Exchange Credit Programme. Based on the guidelines set in these agreements, students can take virtual courses from other universities within the alliance, creating an accessible way for students to internationalise their studies.
The number of participating Unite! partners in a VECP may vary, depending on the subject area and the scope of the agreement.
The main focus of Unite! virtual courses is on already established ECTS awarding courses that are part of a study programme at the teaching university.
VECP in a nutshell
The VECP courses may be
-Based on the major subject
-Transversal courses: e.g., language & culture, entrepreneurship
The scope of a course can be 1-15 credits depending on the content of the course. One ECTS credit stands for approx. 27 working hours.
Recognition of credits
Automatic recognition for credits achieved within
the students’ degree programme shall be assured by the home institution.
Recognition of extra curricula courses is done according to the procedure of
the home university. The assessment process done at the host institution is
automatically recognized by the home institution.
Course content
The teaching methods of the courses vary. The courses can be lectures,
project courses with students interactions etc. All formats are welcomed
as long as the students can take participate in all the teaching
Number of places
Each institution
decides on the number of places available for the Unite! partners and accepting
the participants with respect to the agreement for the activity.
Student status
The degree seeking student status remains at the home institution, and the incoming students will have a non-degree student status at the host institution.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees (if applicable) are paid to the home institution only.
Fee based courses are not encouraged.
Applicaton procedure
Application procedures and Outbound participant selection when applicable are set in each VECP. Please see below.
Transcript of records is provided digitally.
Learning agreements are provided, when required.
I want to offer my course to Unite! students. What do I do?
Read the info on these pages!
Contact our VECP coordinators
Please do this well in advance,minimum 4 months prior to the start of the course. Preparing the VECPapplication and enrollment process takes time.
Prepare the course info
e.g level, credits, period taught, specific course requirements, how many students can participate from other Unite! universities.
Teach the course
Students from Unite! universities who applied to the programme will be enrolled and can participate in your course
VECP Initiatives: Exploring Current and Past Virtual Exchange Credit Programmes
VECP Energy
Find out more about the VECP Energy: the processes, the courses that have been offered so far as well as how teachers can get involved.
Language and Global Competences
Find out more about the VECP Language and Global Competences: the processes, the courses that have been offered so far as well as how teachers can get involved.
VECP Architecture Engineering
Find out more about the VECP Architecture Engineering: the processes, the courses that have been offered so far as well as how a teacher can get involved.
Virtual courses for Doctoral students
Find out more about virtual courses for Doctoral students.
How we advertise the VECPs
Available study offers are communicated by, but not limited to
- Unite! official website
- Unite! Student Catalogue
- Local website and platforms at each institution.
- Local communication channels to reach local students and staff
- Unite! Instagram page (and other relevant SoMe channels)
We recommend that teachers and administrative staff advertise the suitable study offers also directly to their students.
In general the administrative staff coordinating the VECPs are responsible for disseminating the information on the courses with the help of relevant staff. This can vary between the individual VECPs.
Contact us!
Contact person for VECP
Marisa Könitz
Coordinator Short-term, Blended & Virtual Mobility
TU Darmstadt